Base Level healthcare provider employment contract review (includes: (i) a one-time line by line review and revision of your employment contract; (ii) comprehensive compensation and employee benefits analysis; (iii) unlimited email correspondence; and (iv) one hour phone consultation)
Schedule Categories: Provider Employment Contract Review
Mid-Level healthcare provider employment contract
Mid-Level healthcare provider employment contract review (includes: (i) line by line review and revision of each draft of the employment contract; (ii) comprehensive compensation and employee benefits analysis; (iii) unlimited email correspondence; and (iv) up to three hours of phone consultations)
Intensive Level healthcare provider employment contract review
Intensive Level healthcare provider employment contract review (includes: (i) line by line review and revision of each draft of the employment contract; (ii) comprehensive compensation and employee benefits analysis; (iii) unlimited email correspondence; (iv) up to three hours of phone consultations; and (v) direct negotiation of the terms and conditions of the employment contract directly with the potential employer)
Healthcare provider recruitment contract review in conjunction with employment contract
Healthcare provider recruitment contract review in conjunction with employment contract review (includes: line by line review and revision of the provider recruitment contract in conjunction with the employment contract review level selected)